Thursday, June 11, 2015



  1. It's a '70-1/2, judging by the '70 Impala sitting in the showroom.

  2. Good call, and undoubtedly correct. The annual must have had a pretty short lead time as the Camaros werent introduced until March or April, right? To get that picture and get it in the annual before the end of semester/ by publication took some quick work. Unless of course it was in the 71 edition and just a 'year' late...

  3. The '70-1/2 launched in February, so they would have had some time to get a photo in. Our course this was in the days before digital photography and digital composition, so they probably had to "freeze" the yearbook earlier than they do today. My oldest daughter worked on her high school's yearbook staff this past school year, and they had six weeks between when the content was finalized, and yearbooks were delivered to the staff for content verification and a look over before distribution to students. I'll bet it was closer to 10-12 weeks back then.
