Automobilia frozen in time courtesy of your high school yearbook
Looks like a '63 Buick and a '64 Corvair. I've seen similar dealerships, like the old Otoh's (later Dow) Chevrolet-Oldsmobile in Mineols, Texas (sadly, now demolished).,-95.484598,3a,90y,23.57h,89t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sLP5XyJYd8b75VdrscNbuRQ!2e0!5s20080201T000000
Oops, Mineola, Texas, not Mineols.
Looks like a '63 Buick and a '64 Corvair. I've seen similar dealerships, like the old Otoh's (later Dow) Chevrolet-Oldsmobile in Mineols, Texas (sadly, now demolished).
Oops, Mineola, Texas, not Mineols.